grammar Grammar Notes 10:33 AMZannnie NOUN a person, place, or thing. Can be the subject or object of a sentence. Example: dog, frog, brother, Hungary, Rome PRONOUN a word that replaces or stands for ("pro" = for) a noun. Example: he, she, it VERB an action word. Example: sit, walk, drink, cook, make, laugh, run ADJECTIVE a word that describes or modifies a noun. Answers the questions "how many," "what kind," etc. Example: kind, happy, blue, beautiful, dangerous ADVERB a word that describes or modifies a verb. Example: slowly, carefully, quickly, wisely. Also sometimes modifies an adjective. ("She was very tall." 'Very' is an adverb modifying 'tall,' which in turn is an adjective modifying 'she'.) Adverbs usually, but not always, end in "-ly". (*Not every word ending in "ly" is an adverb: "friendly," for example, is an adjective.) PREPOSITION Literally "pre-position"a word that indicates the relationship of a noun (or noun phrase) to another word. Examples of prepositions are to, at, with, for, against, across. Zannnie You Might Also Like 0 comments